Ports for mac torrent
Ports for mac torrent

ports for mac torrent

If the ports are guessed correctly then the packets from each side can get through because both routers have a rule set up. Because both routers see data going OUT they then set up a rule to allow data IN. a server they can both use to exchange information) they can try to guess what port the router will choose as a local port and then start sending each other data on that port, to the routers WAN IP. Its intuitive interface, built-in torrent search, and features like download scheduling and multi-threading ensure it suits all your torrenting needs.

ports for mac torrent

#Ports for mac torrent software#

If you have two peer to peer hosts behind routers (two NATs) then there is no way to establish the connection except that if there is something to transfer information about each others IPs (i.e. The best torrent software for Mac, Folx makes downloading torrent files extremely easy. If its addressed for port 10002 the router knows to send it to Host B. If a packet comes in from :80 and its addressed for the port 10001 on the router's WAN IP then the router knows to send it to Host A. If two internal hosts make a connection to the same port it can differentiate them because the local port is different, for example:ġ) Host A makes a connection to Google and the router uses its own local port 10001 for the TCP connectionĢ) Host B makes a similar connection and the router uses its own local port 10002 for the TCP connection So if you make an outgoing TCP connection to :80 then it will allow packets back in (in response) from :80. The router (running NAT) tracks all outgoing packets and then allows incoming packets which are responses to those outgoing packets.

Ports for mac torrent